Friday, January 25, 2013

Is It Costing You More To Go To Work?

No matter how long our work week is, we always look forward to pay-day. However, is it costing you more to go to work? Sound rather strange and it is ironic that we work to earn money but some have not really put pen to paper to see the exact revenue against our expenditures. Some say "A dollar in is better than a dollar out" and they will do anything to classify themselves as being employed. We will look at various factors to see if we are actually losing more than we are gaining.

Cost Of Child Care

Some people who have children employ, nannies, caregivers and babysitters and the cost of such services is strenuous to our pockets. Nevertheless, it is necessary, as we can't leave the kids by themselves. If we were working from home we would have saved the extra expense.

Eating Out

Some persons work long hours and they will have to either take a sandwich to work or eat out during work hours. This is also an additional cost borne on the pocket that might not be taken in consideration. If you were operating from home, maybe it would have been easier to eat leftovers or skip lunch until dinner time. Psychologically, most person might abstain from eating frequently when they are at home as opposed to being somewhere else. It is not safe to take cooked food in your bag the entire day unless you have a refrigerator at work to store the food. Some individuals do not have the privilege of storing meals and therefore have to purchase fresh food during breaks. Whichever way we choose to eat, it affects our budget.

Cost Of Transportation

This is expense is mandatory if you are not working from home. Some persons drive to work while others commute by train, ferry, taxi or bus. It would be wise to probably find employment in reasonable proximity to home to limit transportation cost.

Stress Factor

This is the most critical factor in determining whether it is worth working for your current employer. Some workers are victims of psychological and emotional abuse at the work-place. There is also physical pressure when some have to double-up due to frequent staff shortage. This becomes unbearable over long period of time when the boss is reluctant to fill the vacant post.

Consequently, employees spend hundreds of dollars on stress medication and hospitality bill as a result of work pressure. High blood pressure or hypertension is the order of the day.and one considers whether it is worthwhile staying home instead. Suppression from higher authorities can also add to your dilemma at work.

Cost Of Credit

If you are basically living from pay check to pay check, you might find yourself buying things on credit until pay-day. This incur charges if you don't pay off your balance before your next credit card bill cycle.

Think Smart

If you are paying out $100 and earning $60, then obviously you are living above your means. If you are living in deficit, you might want to find a job that pays over $100 or stay home and manage your own home business.This can be a tedious route as well but you are able to manage your kids and work at the same time. You could be saving hundreds of dollars per month by cutting significantly on:

    Cost of Child-Care
    Transportation and possibly stress

Finding a job that pays more is also another option to consider. but it would be remiss of me to over-look these factors:

    New Challenges to confront
    Working in unfavorable conditions just for the pay
    Lack of flexible or extra time for your family
    If you are a female and thinking of extending your family, you are not entitled to any maternity benefit until you are qualified

These might be few factors to be aware of before leaving your current employer. The bible says "By the sweat of our brows we shall eat bread" but some are actually eating water crackers while they work, because of limited resources. Work is honorable and good but if it is at a higher cost, you might want to weigh other options.

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